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Data-Enabled Intelligence for Connected Health (DE...
【发布日期:2019/07/01 被阅读:次】

Workshop for the Fourth IEEE/ACM Conference on ConnectedHealth (IEEE/ACM CHASE 2019)

Washington, D.C., USA – September 25-27, 2019

Newtechnologies developed in the digital industry, particularly in the emerginginterfacing area between data science, big data and artificial intelligence,are changing the way healthcare is delivered and can have an enormous economic impacton healthcare provision. We are experiencing extensive research in health careincluding the development of new smart sensing, new algorithms, and new systemsor devices for personalized healthcare. One of the fundamentals of thesedevelopments is to ensure that healthcare data can be accessed and analyzedeffectively in order to support accurate decision-making. This workshop will attractresearchers who are doing this line of research to share their insight andconnect with each other. Hence, this workshop is both significant and timelyfor this line of research. This workshop is to provide an opportunity to researchersand scientists from hospitals, universities, research institutes who areinterested in research in the interdisciplinary field to share their researchfinding and exchange ides and develop future collaborations.


Full paper submissions: 25 July 2019

Paper review notification: 28 July 2019

Camera-ready deadline and copyrightforms: 31 July 2019

Workshop date: 26 September 2019


Professor Wenbing Zhao, Cleveland StateUniversity, USA

ProfessorWeihong Huang, Xiangya Hospital Central South University, China

ProfessorYonghong Peng, University of Sunderland, UK

DrFei Wang, Weill Cornell Medicine at Cornell University

ProgrammeCommittee members

Chengyu Liu, Southeast University,China

Chenxi Huang, Tongji University, China

Chunhua Weng, Columbia University, USA

Degui Zhi, School of BiomedicalInformatics, University of Texas, USA

Fei Wang, Weill Cornell Medical School,Cornell University, USA

Hairong Lv, Tsinghua University, China

Jonathan Ling, University ofSunderland, UK

Linbo Qing, Professor, SichuanUniversity, China

Nianyin Zeng, Xiamen University, China

Paul Van Schaik, Teesside University,UK

Shan Xu, China Academy of Informationand Communications Technology(CAICT), China

Srinivas Sampalli, DalhousieUniversity, UK

Weihong Huang, Xiangya Hospital CentralSouth University, China

Wenbing Zhao, Cleveland StateUniversity, USA

Xinheng Wang, West London University,UK

Ying Song, West China Hospital, China

Yonghong Peng, University ofSunderland, UK

Yongqiang Cheng, University of Hull, UK

Yongtao Hao, Tongji University, China


All workshoppapers will be published in the conference proceedings and included in the IEEEdigital library

More information about DEI4CH 2019 can be found at: http://www.mhealthchina.org/activities/dei4ch

More information about the IEEE/ACMCHASE 2019 can be found at: https://conferences.computer.org/chase2019/

Email: forrestgao@foxmail.com